Emily and Madison

Location: Bakersfield, CA

Saturday, January 28, 2006


Every little girl gets a crush from time to time. So far these are yours.

Name: Jeff Wiggle

A 40-year old Asian man is not who I would have expected but a crush is a crush. Besides, you were only about a year and half old when this one began. You loved The Wiggles and in particular Jeff because he was always falling asleep and doing silly stuff. For a looong period of time, everything was Jeff this and Jeff that. You would freeze when he came on screen. You were obsessed with wearing your Wiggles pj's, listening to your Wiggles CD, playing with your Jeff doll and, of course, watching the TV show.

Then came your obsession with Thomas the Tank Engine and this man.

Name: Gordon

In a place where Thomas is the star, and an engine bears the name Emily, you are in love with a train named Gordon. He is the largest, most useful of all of Mr. Top'n Hat's engines. Afterall, he pulls the express. His face is often that of a grumpy old man. (Side Note: I just noticed a pattern here). He is distinguished and a bit arrogant but you love him all the same. Currently, he is the toy you cannot live without. He goes with us everywhere. He is even the wallpaper on the computer for you. Sometimes you ask me to turn on the computer just so you can look at him. Are you sure you're not a teenager?

Guess What?

Papa loves you. :)

Emily, when you were about 1.5, I taught you to answer "what?" everytime I said "GUESS WHAT!?!" It soon became a game that we have played for over a year and continue to this day.

The game itself quickly shortened as you already knew what I was going to say. Soon I would say "guess what?" and you would grin and say "Papa loves me." "That's Right!" I replied time and time again. Once you replied "Papa loves me, that's right." and giggled because you knew the answer.

Now the game has changed again. I say "guess what" and you say "mommy loves me?", or "Nana loves me?" and I shake my head in an exaggerated manner and quickly say "no no no." We go back and forth until you finally give me that shy, sly look and say "Papa loves me???" Hmph. Who would have guessed that?

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Remebering Your Grandfather

I thought it important to tell you about the relationship you had with my father for the short time that he was with us.

From the beginng you had a strong affection for him. You've always had favorites and he was most certainly one of them. While every other grandparent was busy deciding what you should call them, you named him "Pa" in the same way that you named me "Papa." It was natural and pure, a gift from the heart.

We didn't see my parents very often then but when you were less than a year old, you would search the wedding photo album, or any scrapbook, just to find pictures of him. Pausing, you would point and say "Pa." This was an every day activity for months and months.

When he passed away you were 1yr-7mo old. We told you that Pa was sleeping. Everytime you repeated that phrase it tugged at my heart. You were so very aware of what was happening and the funeral did have an affect on you. I held you as we passed the open casket for the last time. You said "kisses," which was your way of saying that you wanted to give someone a kiss, so I held you over and you kissed your Pa goodbye. It was the sweetest act of human kindness I have ever witnessed.

You were such a fiercly independent child who did not give kisses easily. The fact that you gave a kiss to Pa as he slept illustrates the bond that you had. In the morning after the funeral I awoke with you sleeping between your mother and me. You rarely talked to me but this morning you grinned and said "morning Papa." Your smile brought me great comfort and I knew at that moment that everything would be all right.

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Letting Go

Madison, your umbilical cord fell off tonight during your bath. As if you even noticed :)

Monday, January 16, 2006

Cranky After a Nap? Say It Isn't So...

Emily, today you woke from your nap cranky as ever, yelling and screaming. This is not out of the ordinary for you as you enjoy the age of 2.

What struck me as funny today was when you sat down at the table with you Mr. Potatoheads and with a frown said "I just want to do this ANGRY!" Oh the poor innocent potato with the tongue on his head.

Friday, January 13, 2006

Madison - 1st Bath

Last night was your first bath. The paparazzi, or should I say papa-razzi, was out in full force. You were very patient, wide eyed and curious. Emily helped wash your hair, otherwise mom did all of the bathing.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Emily - In Your Own Words

You are sitting in my lap insisting that I let you type on the computer. I asked you to type your name. Here goes...


Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Emily - Age 2.5

Favorite Toy:
Thomas the Train and all of his friends. Gordon is currently your favorite. You love to say that you are Gordon as you run around making train whistle sounds. These are the special toys that you simply will not share. Less than a week ago you threw yourself on top of all of your trains so that Matthew could not get to any of them. He proceeded to hit you on the head with a soft ball but you didn't even flinch. :)

Favorite Activity:
Knocking Papa Over! You giggle when you say "I want to knock papa over." I sit on the carpet and you run at me full speed. I catch you and we fall back together. We do this again and again until my back can no longer take it.

Favorite Sport:
Hockey. We watched a playoff game the day you were born. Now you wear your Avalanche jersey and watch hockey with me from time to time. Even when you are not watching, you will give me high fives when a goal is scored. Sometimes you raise your fist and say "GOAL!" Those are moments that I feel very close to you. :)

Favorite Movies:
You loved Finding Nemo for about 6 months. Then it was Dumbo and now it's Peter Pan.

Favorite TV Shows:
JoJo Circus was the first show you ever liked. Then you fell in LOVE with The Wiggles. In particular, you loved Jeff Wiggle because he fell asleep all the time. Now you love Thomas the Train.

You Say:
Silly ______. My favorite is silly Papa.

Your Friends Are:
Matthew and Christina Evan, Kelsey and Hailey Sipe, Meggie and Eli Harris, Trinity Boggess

You Can't Live Without:
Kitty and Duckie. You sleep with them every night.

Our Bonding Time:
Every night I give you your bath. You love to put suds all over my face and then "splash Papa." We both laugh so hard when you splash me. The bathroom is a mess but I clean it before mom sees it :)

You love to climb in my lap and "play games with Papa." All of my friends are used to you playing as my partner.

Unique to You:
You love to type on the computer. You send IM's and email to family and friends. About 4 months ago, you logged on the computer witout any help - under your own name no less.

You give yourself "time outs." - amazing

A couple of months ago, you took the letters from the fridge a spelled your name without help (see pic above). - amazing

For My Angels

This journal is for the two of you so that you may remember events of your childhood that would otherwise be forgotten. It is my living gift to you.

Emily you were so excited when Madison arrived. Proud to be the big sister, you were eager to hold her. The picture here says it all. You call her Madsin in the sweetest toddler voice. She cried last night and you ran to her side. Climbing, stretching you were relentless in you pursuit of a little teddy bear that you thought would make her feel better. You touch the top of her head, brush her cheek with tenderness I did not think was possible from someone your age. Then again, you are and always have been ahead of your time.

Madison I watched your birth from your mother's side. Your head not all the way out, you paused and sent your left hand crawling out. You drummed your fingers on your mother for a second or two then continued your journey. You spoiled us your first night, sleeping for 5 hours and then most of the following day. The first night you were home reality set in. Night time is your time. You were up and down all night, finally sleeping at 6:30 for a heavenly 2.5 hours (yeah).


It's a Girl

Madison Mackenzie

7lbs 12oz

20.5 inches

Bye bye sleep, hello happiness!