Emily and Madison

Location: Bakersfield, CA

Sunday, February 25, 2007

The Little Mermaid

Nowadays, The Little Mermaid is Emily's favorite movie to watch. Thus to her we have all taken on identities of the characters:

Emily - Ariel
Maddy - Eric
Sondra - King Triton
Kurt - The Evil Witch, Ursula

Can you figure out what's backwards there? :)

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Emily Can Count to 100

Oh, the power of preschool. She can count to 100 before age 4. Maybe this is common but I never saw it coming. She sometimes stumbles between 69-70 or 78-80 but with a tiny bit of prompting, she rolls on up to 100.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Emily Wants to Marry Matthew

Today Emily said, "I'll marry Matthew and sometimes we'll come over for games." "But don't get rid of my trains, you can move them over to my house." "We'll have a baby boy and name him Gordon."

It's not the first time she has stated as much.

Maddy Says "Hi"

She is 13 months old now and the baby talk is showing it's first sign of turning into speech. She says "HI" in a quick blurt with each phoneme clear as if you or I said it. :)

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Emily is Turning Into a Girl


She has started referring to her stuffed toys as "her babies."

Hugs and Kisses

When you say "hugs" or "kisses" Maddy will lean in and either lay her head on your shoulder or give you a big open mouth slobbering kiss. :)

Monday, February 05, 2007

Maddy Playing Ra

"Bid the 6 mommy."

Emily Is Warming Up to Me

I am still getting the "no hugs and kisses" knocking of fists in the morning but she says "but I still love you." I convinced her that it was OK to say that she loved me because we know that she still loves mommy more. - Hey, I'll take what I can get :)

Nighttime is now 100% papa. I read her the bedtime story every night. I also still do, bath, teeth and PJ's. Each night I have to make up a story about Gordon. Some of her favorites are:

Gordon and the Ordinary Day - when "Nothing Exciting Happened."

Gordon and the Whale - when Gordon fell into the stream, was swept to sea and swallowed by a whale.

Most nights it's a new story. I find it very challenging and yet very fun to come up with a new story every night. Emily especially loves it when Gordon picks her up somewhere along the way.

Look Who's Standing

Not Going Down So Easy

It looks like the days of just laying Maddy in her crib and walking away may be over. Lately she has begun to cry if laid down too quickly and man can she fight a nap.

Discovering Books

I caught Maddy last Saturday looking through her book collection. It all started by dumping out the basket. :)

Super Hero

Emily wanted to dress as a Super Hero. Here she is in her costume, 2 skirts, heels and a cape reluctantly off to save the world.