Emily and Madison

Location: Bakersfield, CA

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Emily Defines "Getting Old"

Sometime this year Emily said (she's 5 - found this on a post-it to blog)...

Em - "I'm getting old"

Papa - "Huh?"

Em - "I'm half the size of mom"

Papa - "What does it mean to be 'old'?"

Em - "I need a lot of rest"

Papa - "Well, what happens when you're old?"

Em - "I feel weak."

Christmas Photos

Here is a link to our Christmas photos that I took at our house Christmas morning.

Maddy Counts to 13

Maddy is 7 days shy of 3 years old so we'll call her 2.something when she did this.

Gammy, Emmy and Maddy were playing Elefun. I sat with Maddy to count the butterflies she caught fully assuming I'd have to help. No need. Maddy dumped her butterflies out of her net and proceeded to count them one by one. Not only did she count to 13, she also won the game!

In many ways Maddy still seems like a baby, our baby, then she goes and reminds us that she is growing up all too fast.

For those without kids Elefun is a game were you load a toy elephant with "butterflies" that fly out of it's trunk and into the air. Each player has a net and must catch as many as he or she can or be the first to grab a butterfly from the floor if everyone missed it. Maddy caught a few but won by being the first to grab a lot of the butterflies that hit the floor. Good strategy Maddy!