Emily and Madison

Location: Bakersfield, CA

Monday, April 12, 2010

Emily at Dance

I am at dance practice with Emily. A boy litteraly just walked in an joined her class and she is already looking at him like he's the only boy on the planet. She is starring smiling and giggling.

Busted. The teacher just told her to stop giggling.

She's in first grade. What is high school going to be like. :)

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Sunday, April 11, 2010

Maddy putting jelly on toast

Forgot a photo.

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Putting her own jelly on for the first time.

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Emily Makes Her Own Breakfast

Today Emily made her own breakfast for the first time. She cooked waffles in the toaster and later made toast as well. Go Emmy!

6 years 11.5 months

Oh, Maddy also made toast today. She pushed her little stool up to the counter and I showed her how to set the dial to 4. She stood there the entire time waiting for it to pop. She even insisted on putting her own jelly on. It took her awhile but she did it. :)

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Maddy learns to cross her eyes

Today Maddy pulled my face up to hers threw her eyes open wide, crossed them and said ,"Look! Two Papas!"

4 years 4 months old

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