Emily and Madison

Location: Bakersfield, CA

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Famly Game Night

A few Fridays ago we had a family game night. The four of us started with Handy Manny but Madison just seemed to want to play by her own rules. Instead of putting tiles back after drawing them, she kept them and would growl at you if you tried to take them. :)

We decided to play by Madison's "house rules."

Maddy ended up winning so I guess she knows what she's doing when she modifies rules. We all played by the same rules so I guess you could say she won fair and square.

After Handy Manny, I went to hall to get another game. Emily came chasing after me protesting that she wasn't getting to pick but turned all smiles when I got down Ticket to Ride.

Sondra would later say that she felt bad because she was playing so hard to win. It didn't matter. Emily won again, this time running away. We all started with one route face up and hers was a 20 pointer. Something like Vancouver to NY. Later she would draw a route that used a lot of the same track. Throughout the course of the game, Emily used the longest links possible to complete routes.

No one helped her this time aside from pointing out the colors she may need to complete her first route. The rest was her.

Kids 2
Parents 0

Emily Learns Her First Adult Board Game

They say apples don't far fall from trees. If that is the case then perhaps Emily is still on the tree somewhere.

You see, I taught her the board game Ticket to Ride. A game designed for adult play and she is but 5. I played with only 2 small modifications. We each started with one route which we played face up. I put a marker at the beginning and ending cites so she could see what colors she needed to build. From there it was all her. Asking her on occasion, "what color do you need to collect?" She would reply by scanning the board and grabbing a card that she in fact needed.

My play was only intentionally helpful twice when I grabbed cards I did not need in order give Emily different colors to choose from.

At one point in the game I was trying to explain to her the she could make her route (2nd or 3rd one) shorter by taking a short cut in the middle. She insisted on collecting green cards and taking the long way so I just let her play her game.

Funny thing is, she won. She won fair and square. She won because she took the long way around and got the 10 pts for the longest route!

Go Em.