Emily and Madison

Location: Bakersfield, CA

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Sorry Kids

I just haven't had the time or energy to keep this blog up lately. I need to write about Disney, Father's Day, and all the little things that have happened lately. Maddy is changing daily - getting grumpy if you ask me - and I guess I'll just have to write a giant summary some day as best I remember at that point. For now, this is it.


Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Disneyland Day 1 - Photo Sunmmary

Yep, this says it all.

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Maddy's into Everything!

You are our little climber. Emily seemed to know her limitations or at least have a sense of danger where you have none. You climb, or try to climb, everything!

We bought you a little riding toy when you were 1. To you, that is now a mobile ladder. :)

You push it up to counter, stand on it to reach something you shouldn't, then push it to your next objective.

You also love to get ANYTHING left on a table. The second our backs are turned you pullout a chair and climb up the chair and onto the table.

Today you got into some games I left on the big table. My lesson. ;-)

Bye Bye My Sweet Papi...

...I love you up to the North Pole.

We've come a long way from, "No PAPA!" or "NO HUGS and KISSES!"

Now anytime someone leaves you say, "Bye bye my sweet ________, I love you up to the North Pole.

At first you said,"up to heaven" but then you decided that the North Pole was farther away. :)