Emily and Madison

Location: Bakersfield, CA

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Look Who's Sitting at the Table Now

Recent Photos

Maddy in Our Bathroom

Emily and Matthew

Maddy Says "Emily"

"Em-i-Dee" is actually what she says. Other words and phrases:

"Milk" - every cup is milk. Walking to the frig and saying "milk" is also her way of letting us know she's hungry.

"Bath" - tonight she threw her leg up on the tub. HER LEG! She's only 19 months but as tall as most 2 year olds.

"Dirty" - she says this and points to her diaper to let us know there's a present for some lucky person.

She puts together a lot of two word phrases such as "My____" or "Mama____."

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Maddy is a NEAT FREAK!

Picture Maddy on the floor with a toy. The second she is done playing with it she will look up and say "Away." Then she gets up and puts the toy away.

Tonight it was bedtime and we were in her room. Maddy spied a white bear on her floor so she dropped her blanket, picked up the toy and ran down the hall with it "Away!", "Away!"

I'm guessing she wouldn't have been able to sleep if the toy wasn't put away. :)

Maddy Comes Running When I Come Home

Sondra says that from the moment she hears the garage door she starts yelling "PAPA! PAPA!" When I come in she waddles up to me and gives me a hug and kiss!

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Maddy Gives High-Fives!

She learned this rather easily. I just showed her yesterday as she stood inside her crib. She giggles with excitement every time she does it.

19 months old

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Emily Answers the Phone

File under: Big Surprises.

Walking in the parking lot of Wal-mart, I was calling home when who should answer? The sweetest voice I have ever heard.

"It's Emily papa, I answered the phone"


Wednesday, August 08, 2007


Today Maddy and I raced back and forth between the couches. Keep in mind she is still learning to walk so she would try to get up enough speed so that by the time she fell she hit the couch.

She crashed time and time again but got up giggling each one.

18 months