Emily - Age 2.5

Favorite Toy:
Thomas the Train and all of his friends. Gordon is currently your favorite. You love to say that you are Gordon as you run around making train whistle sounds. These are the special toys that you simply will not share. Less than a week ago you threw yourself on top of all of your trains so that Matthew could not get to any of them. He proceeded to hit you on the head with a soft ball but you didn't even flinch. :)
Favorite Activity:
Knocking Papa Over! You giggle when you say "I want to knock papa over." I sit on the carpet and you run at me full speed. I catch you and we fall back together. We do this again and again until my back can no longer take it.
Favorite Sport:
Hockey. We watched a playoff game the day you were born. Now you wear your Avalanche jersey and watch hockey with me from time to time. Even when you are not watching, you will give me high fives when a goal is scored. Sometimes you raise your fist and say "GOAL!" Those are moments that I feel very close to you. :)
Favorite Movies:
You loved Finding Nemo for about 6 months. Then it was Dumbo and now it's Peter Pan.
Favorite TV Shows:
JoJo Circus was the first show you ever liked. Then you fell in LOVE with The Wiggles. In particular, you loved Jeff Wiggle because he fell asleep all the time. Now you love Thomas the Train.
You Say:
Silly ______. My favorite is silly Papa.
Your Friends Are:
Matthew and Christina Evan, Kelsey and Hailey Sipe, Meggie and Eli Harris, Trinity Boggess
You Can't Live Without:
Kitty and Duckie. You sleep with them every night.
Our Bonding Time:
Every night I give you your bath. You love to put suds all over my face and then "splash Papa." We both laugh so hard when you splash me. The bathroom is a mess but I clean it before mom sees it :)
You love to climb in my lap and "play games with Papa." All of my friends are used to you playing as my partner.
Unique to You:
You love to type on the computer. You send IM's and email to family and friends. About 4 months ago, you logged on the computer witout any help - under your own name no less.
You give yourself "time outs." - amazing
A couple of months ago, you took the letters from the fridge a spelled your name without help (see pic above). - amazing
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