Emily and Madison

Location: Bakersfield, CA

Monday, September 29, 2008

Emily is Student of the Month

Emily was selected by Mrs. Tessarro to be her first "Outstanding Student." Emily was thrilled, we were thrilled.

Here is what her teacher said...

Emily is just an all around amazing student. She is always on task and friendly with everyone. She is very bright and extremely helpful. When I was informed of the award the first student I thought of was Emily. You and your family have done an excellent job with her, and I am very pleased to have her in my class.

Emily talked for a week about how she was going to get a "prize." The prize turned out to me a medal, a nice one at that. She wore the medal all weekend and continues to wear it with great pride.


Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Catching Up on the Kindergarten Fiasco

A fiasco to me at least and it goes like this...

Emily enrolls at Veterans begins to attend making a strong connection with someone who seemed to be a great teacher.

Then the bomb drops.

Veterans informs us that Emily will be transferred to Norris. Now Norris is where she should have been all along but the district said that it was overcrowded and Emily would have to change schools. They sent us to Veterans with the consolation of busing (although Emily would have to transfer buses mi-route which made us nervous - she did fine, of course). We went to Veterans with open minds and fell in love. Emily, who had just spent 2 years at St. John's pre-school, took to her new school with ease. She connected so strongly with her teacher that Sondra and I were put at ease.

Now we are told that Emily will have to change schools, 2 weeks in. Emily cried at dinner when we broke it to her.

And us - we are not happy! Sondra was brought to tears. As teachers we know what this means. Someone was just hired to fill the new kindergarten spot. Hmm. Let's think about that. Who gets hired 2-weeks into the school year? I can tell you it's either a brand stinking new teacher or someone that no one wanted over the summer.

Again, we are not happy about this.

I decided that I had to meet the teacher ASAP to clam the storm that is my house. Thankfully the teacher appeared to be a good one. Very open and honest about her situation (getting the class ready 2 weeks in). That she was willing to see me on such short notice said a lot about her as well. Her room looked good too.

Afer orientation and back to school night, all was well. Luckily Emily's closest friend Riley transferred with her. Emily seems to like her new class though she doesn't talk about it as much. It could just be that the newness wore off a little. Who knows..