Emily, you had another Little Mermaid party to celebrate your 5th birthday. With Mommy in the midst of a job change (to librarian) and trying to complete a college course for said job change, the task fell to me to plan your party. Well actually, it fell to me after our initial plans to have it at the park fell through. Mommy was already stressed with everything else and said enough is enough and handed the party off to me before she had a breakdown. :) Papa the party planner - Yikes.
You wanted an Ariel cake but refused to go to the store with me to pick it out. In the end, I chose the cake (chocolate on chocolate as requested with chocolate ice cream to boot), the decorations and even the party favors - squirt guns, all by myself. We rented some tables and held the party in the backyard.
The great thing about kids your age is that it really doesn't matter where you have the party, it's all about just being able to run around and play like the kids you are, scream, yell and have a good time - oh, and squirt each other (and me) in the process.
You got a lot of gifts and it's hard to say which is your favorite. So far it seems the action figures from Disney are the biggest hit. You play with so many different toys it's hard to discern a favorite.
Everyone stayed for about 2 hours and it wasn't long after that your mom and I were laughing because in the middle of the chaos that is a birthday party we forgot to give you our gift - you very first bicycle! You love it and ride it almost daily on the patio. We can't wait to get you out to the bike trail. Our plan is to someday have bicycles for everyone in the family and go riding on Saturdays. Can't wait.