Emily and Madison

Location: Bakersfield, CA

Saturday, September 30, 2006

  Posted by Picasa


Once Emily realized I was taking pictures, she started trying to hide from the camera, hillarios! Posted by Picasa

The Adventures of Super Duck


Emily's latest post bath time craze is to take the toddle duckie towel and prentend to be "Super Duck." Flying to put on pj's and brush her teeth - all she needs now is a catch phrase. Posted by Picasa

Friday, September 29, 2006

You Blink an Eye and...

Yesterday Madison drank using a "sippy cup" for the first time. She did it with authority. Grabbed those handles, pulled the cup right to her lips then chugged away.

Tonight, she had her first solid "big people food." She ate graham crackers with Emily and Sondra. Now that she's had sugar, it's downhill from here. :)

September is the busiest month of the year for me so I haven't had time to keep this blog up. As things that happened this month occur to me, I will add them here.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Quote of the Day 5

OH NO! Baby slobber!
