Location: Bakersfield, CA

Monday, August 18, 2008

Day 1 of Kindergarten

Emily was beaming as she told me about how on day 1 of kindergarten she was moved up to the "blue" area for good behavior. Her teacher has a chart (you all remember them) that starts every student at green. Good behavior moves you up to blue and then to yellow (Sunshine). Bad behavior moves you down to purple (warning), orange (no recess) and red (letter home).

Yay for Emily!

She also talked excitedly about a new friend she made today named Rylie. She's not in Emily's class but she has the same recess time. Emily was so proud when she told us how Rylie was afraid to ride the bus so she held her hand and made it better.

What a big girl Emily is growing up to be. Mom and I are so proud.:)

Emily was so excited about school that tonight she played teacher and we were her students. Mommy and I started on green but by the time we were done, Papa was on purple. I guess it's not ok to tickle Ms. Emily.


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