Kindergarten Starts Tomorrow

Sondra and I took the day off to attend Emily's kindergarten orientation last Thursday. It was a thrill to sit in the cafeteria and think, "Hey, this is it. Our first daughter is going to school." Pre-school just wasn't the same because it was more of a discovery whereas now it's all academic.
We listened to the principal give an overview of the school and then we went to Mrs. Freeman's room where she gave a detailed explanation of her class. I had 50 million questions swirling in my head but only asked when language arts was taught. The teacher in me wanted to know all about the curriculum but I held back.
The letting go begins.
I think the hardest part for me will be seeing her step onto the school bus. That feels so grown up to me. Your baby steps onto a bus and goes somewhere on her own. No mom, no dad, no grandma - traveling out of sight and growing up when we really want her to stay our baby forever. I think many parents would agree judging by the many who will be bringing their children to and from school.
We are so proud of you Emily.
You're brave sending her on a bus- I'm thankful that's not an option for us- cause Kelsie would want to ride it! LOL
And I asked a million curriculum questions back in March at Open House- you're not the only one ;o)
Hope she has a great first day!
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