Location: Bakersfield, CA

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Tonight Emily Tried Her Food At Diner

This is a miracle here people. The kind of stuff you only hear about.

If you don't already know, diner at our house has gone something like - Sondra puts food on plate, Emily refuses to touch her plate. We have tried everything to get her to eat but she simply will not. She would rather go hungry than eat a meal that doesn't include PB&J or a cheese quesadilla.

Tonight we had Lasagna at Nana's and out of the blue she tried it. And guess what? She likes it. She ate all of her lasagna and wanted more. We are thrilled!!! It's 3 hours later and I think Sondra and I are still smiling. What's next, baked chicken? Spaghetti? The possibilities are endless. :-0


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