Location: Bakersfield, CA

Monday, April 16, 2007

Marriage Talk Already?

If you are around Emily at all you know she has a mad crush on a new man - Prince Eric from The Little Mermaid. The crush is so bad that she not only talks about him incessantly, but she expects him to come to her birthday party next weekend.

We have tried explaining why he can't come with reasons ranging from "he only goes to birthday parties at Disneyland" (Sondra) to "Um, he's a cartoon Emily" (me). Regardless, she is undaunted in her desire to see him.

For some time now Emily has not had books read to her at bedtime. Instead of a book, she asks the person putting her down to make up a story. For months and months every story was about Gordon the train. Now every story is about Eric.

Making up stories is easy beacuse Emily gives you an outline of the story she wants to hear. Emily will say "Tell me a potion Eric tied-up story." Which translated is a story about Eric that follows plot lines from the movies. And if you forget any part of the story or Emily is quick to remind you what you left out.

Yesterday the stories got ugly.

"Tell me a potion Eric tied-up story marries Emily." Huh? Say what? "Marries Emily?" - Are you kidding me? At age 3!!!

Sad but true, Emily has already begun planning her wedding day. She had a crush of Jeff Wiggle and Gordon the train but this marriage stuff is too much. Thanks for nothing Disney. :)


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