Location: Bakersfield, CA

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Maddy, You're Turning Into a Drama Queen

Oh my.

Maddy has figured out that when she cries mommy and papa come running and "big sisi" or "Em" gets in trouble.

We knew this was coming.

Now Maddy cries to try to get Emily into trouble. It's not working. She expects it to work. It's not.

So now Maddy is developing a flare for the dramatic - Emily barely touched me and now I am mortally wounded. Emily to her credit is always quick to apologize when there is a "real" accident.

Maddy's acting career also extends to spankings. Take for example tonight when I am changing her diaper. We always play games with each other, often tickling. Tonight we were playing and I ever so lightly tapped her leg. She instantly began to try to cry. I mean full blown, as if I had really spanked her! I looked at her and said, "Hey, that wasn't a spanking" and she instantly stopped crying.

She's a clever one this Maddy. Can't wait to see her as a teen. :)


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