Location: Bakersfield, CA

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Staying With Nana and Grampy

You two stayed with your grandparents this week Tue-Thurs so your mother and I could take a vacation trip to Las Vegas. This was only Madison's second time away from us overnight. The first time was a couple of weeks ago for Erin and Audrey's house warming party. The time away from us was hardest on your mother whose mothering instincts kicked in while not at the Pai Gow table.

Emily, you were taken out by Grampy and uncle Jason to The Marketplace for ice cream, then to the park to see the stars. You were out way past your bedtime and loved it. One day uncle Jason set up his pup tent for you to camp in during the day. You also spent time playing in the sprinkler and wading pool.

Madison, you were to little to do all of the stuff Emily did. You poor thing. Not only did you miss out on the fun, you were sick by the time we came home. We can't decide if you are teething or caught Grampy's cold. Your big adventure was taking a bath with Emily in the big tub for the first time. Normally, you bathe in a small plastic tub with a baby seat in it. This time, Nana laid you down in the big tub and it was overwhelming. Nana said that you cried and cried.

Normally when we return from trips, Emily is not happy to see us nor does she want to go home (If any parent reads this who has a child who runs to them, count yourself lucky). This time she was her usual self but after I warmed her up with some tickling and Eskimo kisses, she stood up and sadly said, "Why did you go away from me?" - ouch.


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