Location: Bakersfield, CA

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

The Infamous Alarm Clock Experience

The clock strikes 12:00am and screaming ensues. Heard in between Emily's panicked screams for help is the sound of her alarm clock AT FULL VOLUME!

I run into her room but I too am completely out of sorts. You see, I haven't been sleeping well for the past few days. I had finally fallen into my first deep sleep and moments later am fumbling with an alarm clock amidst a wailing child. I push the on-off button, briefly explain what happened and return to bed all in a daze.

The clock strikes 12:10am and a scream that is by far louder than any I could ever muster rocks the house. Apparently all I managed to do in my stupor was hit the snooze button. The sound that came from my daughter was one that a parent never wants to hear. The sound of sheer terror threw me from my bed and into Emily's room.

Now fully awake, I realize that it's not an on-off button but a switch that I immediately snap into the off position. Sondra behind me this time to comfort Emily, I stumble back to bed so shaken by my daughter's screams that I cannot fall back to sleep.

The next day Emily cannot stop talking about it. Maddy, who loves to touch any button she can has been outed as the one who turned the alarm on. Every other sentence from Emily is detailing why Maddy shouldn't be allowed to touch the alarm clock again. She wants it moved to her dresser so Maddy can't reach or to even get rid of it altogether.


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