Butt Scoot'n Boogie - A Madison Update

Madison is not crawling yet, though she is very close. Instead Madison has developed a way to scoot across a room all the while sitting mostly upright. It's very funny to watch.
Madison is doing very well in the big tub and loves, as she has for some time, to have her hair dried. When I lay her down on the towel and rub her hair with both hands she lights up every time!
Maddy is still hard to dress. Well, harder than I remember Emily being. Maddy moves those little legs soooo much that once you finally get one leg in, you better not let go or you'll be starting over. :)
I am sad to report that Maddy is turning into a mama's girl. She doesn't respond to my voice like she once did but still loves the sound of her mommy. Oh well, this is still better luck than I had with Emily. She didn't like me until she was 18 months old...
Peek-a-Boo is Madison's favorite game. She has been pulling covers, towels, even bibs over her face for several weeks. It's very funny to see her try to hide using a bib that's upside down and all that covers her face are the shoulder pieces. She laughs and giggles every time which is infectious.
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